Proyectos realizados

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YearLocationProjectWork typeDescriptionCompany
2024SpainInverter modelingElectromagnetic transientsDevelopment of an ATP/Draw model for SG250HX inverter, simulating transient responses, fault ride-through, and validations, ensuring grid code compliance.Trina Solar
2024Cape VerdeNational grid planningPower flow and StabilityComprehensive load flow and stability studies for Cabo Verde's grid, integrating VRE projects, proposing reinforcements, and optimizing phased development.World Bank
2024UruguayArtillerosManagement - Stability - Electromagnetic transientsAssessment and advancement of PSS/E and ATP/Draw models for Artilleros Wind Farm, focusing on load flow, stability, and transients.Rouar S.A.
2024UruguayPTI solarCapability curveCapability curve analysis at the point of connection for the photovoltaic farm, including scenario evaluation and determination of the expected capability curve.Ingener S.A.
2024UruguayPTI solarPerformance Ratio - Power flow - Stability - Electromagnetic transientsModeling and studies at PTI photovoltaic farm (25 MVA). Includes PSS/E and ATP/Draw modeling, monthly Performance Ratio estimation, and compliance with UTE's stability and transients requirements.Ingener S.A.
2024UruguayPalomasElectromagnetics transientsThe objective was to develop electromagnetics transients modeling for the Palomas wind farm (70 MVA) using ATP/Draw, including representation from generation to connection with UTE, following provided guidelines and models.Nicefield
2024UruguayUPM 2 Management - Electromagnetics transientsNegotiation with UTE for the scope of the electromagnetics transients and stability models for UPM 2, a biomass plant with 240 MW consumption and 426 MVA generation, considering technical details and software capabilities.Clerk
2023UruguayHIF - E-FUELPower flowThe ampacity of transmission lines was evaluated to transport 5.15 GVA of energy between three generation centers and an electrolyzer plant, considering two operating voltages (220 kV and 500 kV) and two network topologies.STILER S.A.
2023UruguayDANK generator and consumption plantPower flow - StabilityPower flow and stability modeling for DANK plant. Distribution client with a 5 MVA biomass generator and multiple loads. Hybrid grid behavior: load and generator.Fymnsa - Dank
2023Inglaterra350 MW PV plantConnectivity StudyConnectivity study for a 350 MW photovoltaic plant, in the Uruguayan electrical grid. Location selection and definition of installed power.Island Green Power
2023Uruguay30 MW PV plantConnectivity StudyConnectivity study for a 30 MW photovoltaic plant, in the Uruguayan electrical grid. Admissibility determination for the defined powerNESYLA S.A.
2023UruguayE-FUELConnectivity StudyConnectivity study for an e-fuel plant and its associated renewable energy generation, in the Uruguayan electrical grid. Study carried out with 1200 MW of generation and 750 MW of consumption.HIF Chile Holdings SpA
2023UruguayVENCODESA BESS SGP & SYIPower flow - Stability - HarmonicsBESS modeling for San Gregrorio de Polanco (10MVA) y Sarandí del Yí (8MVA) sites. Viability, power flow, short circuit, harmonics, stability and black start studies. Island and grid connected mode.VENCODESA S.A.
2022UruguayUPM 2 Electromagnetics transientsElectromagnetics transients modeling of Biomass plant: transmission client (240 MW in loads) and biomass generator (426 MVA in generation). Passive grid, loads, generators and control system modeling.Clerk
2022UruguaySEG BESS SGP & SYIPower flowBESS modeling for San Gregrorio de Polanco (10MVA) y Sarandí del Yí (8MVA) sites. Viability studies.SEG ingeniería
2022UruguayAKUO BESS SGP & SYIPower flow - Stability BESS modeling for San Gregrorio de Polanco (10MVA) y Sarandí del Yí (8MVA) sites. Viability, power flow, short circuit, stability and black start studies. Island and grid connected mode.AKUO Energy
2022UruguaySTILER BESS SGP & SYIPower flow - Stability BESS modeling for San Gregrorio de Polanco (10MVA) y Sarandí del Yí (8MVA) sites. Viability, power flow, short circuit, stability and black start studies. Island and grid connected mode.STILER S.A.
2022UruguayUPM 2 PO-TRA-SL-0001/02 trainingTraining on PO-TRA-SL-0001/02 regulation for foreign and national engineers in charge of on-site building at UPM 2 (Transmission client and biomass generator) facilities.ABB
2022UruguayAlbisuPower flow - StabilityModeling of photovoltaic farm, installed power 10 MW. Modeled for power flow, short circuit and stability studies.Ventus SRL
2022UruguayTubaceroPower flowModeling of photovoltaic farm, installed power 0.3 MW. Modeled for power flow and short circuit studies.Ventus SRL
2022UruguayPamerPower flowModeling of photovoltaic farm, installed power 3.5 MW. Modeled for power flow and short circuit studies.Ventus SRL
2022UruguayCristalpetPower flowModeling of photovoltaic farm, installed power 1.3 MW. Modeled for power flow and short circuit studies.Ventus SRL
2022UruguayGiacote MenafraElectromagnetics transientsModeling of photovoltaic farm, installed power 20 MW. Modeled for electromagnetics transients studies.Giacote SA
2021-2022UruguayPunta del TigrePower flow - StabilityPhotovoltaic farm, installed power 30MW. Power flow and stability model creation.Sungrow
2021UruguayZonamerica: private townPower flowGrid and load modeling for private town, free commerce zone. Voltage studies. Installed power: 8MW.Ingener
2021EthiopiaNational transmission gridManual creationCreation of a power losses guide manualMercados Aries International
2020UruguayStatcom insertion studiesPower flow - Stability - HarmonicsStudies determination for the installation of a 180 MVA Statcom in a transmission Substation UTE
2020EthiopiaNational transmission gridCourse training International training in power losses, study philosophy and results oriented methodology.Mercados Aries International
2020EthiopiaNational transmission gridPower flowPower losses study for the complete transmission grid.Mercados Aries International
2020Dominican RepublicFrequency stability - O.C.Training courseSeminar dedicated to frequency stability in electrical grids with lack of inertia. Participants of the Coordinated Organization for the National Interconnected Electric System - Domincan Republic.O.C. S.E.N.I.
2020Argentina - UruguayCTMElectromagnetics transientsCalculation of neutral reactors in expansion project of CTM (Mixed Technical Commission) Salto Grande - Uruguay.UTE
2019-2020MexicoSol de SonoraPower flow - Power quality - ProtectionsPhotovoltaic farm, installed power 10MW. Power flow, harmonics and protections studies. Gransolar
2019UruguaySalto GrandeElectromagnetics transientsReclosing study in transmission substation Salto Grande - 500 kV.UTE
2019UruguayAnillo 500 kVElectromagnetics transientsStudy for the insertion of damping reactors in the context of grid transmission planning. UTE
2019UruguayAnillo 500 kVElectromagnetics transientsEnergization study for 2 transmission lines, taking into account lines transpositions. Comparison against stablished limits.UTE
2018-2020PanamaIkakos 0, 1, 2 & 3Power flow - Stability - ManagementPhotovoltaic farm, installed power 40MW. Power flow and stability model creation. Power flow and stability studies. Contract management. Grupo Cobra
2018UruguayAnillo 500 kVElectromagnetics transientsModeling of electrical line parameters from physical topology, conductor type, tower type and geographical disposition. Reactive compensation study.UTE
2018UruguayAnillo 500 kVElectromagnetics transientsCalculation of neutral reactors for grid transmission planning. In total, 800 kms in transmission lines to be fully compensated. UTE
2018UruguayPunta del TigreElectromagnetics transientsEnergization study for connecting lines of Punta del Tigre substation - 500 kV.UTE
2018MexicoBluemexPower flow - reactive compensationPhotovoltaic farm, installed power 90MW. Power flow and reactive compensation studies.Gran Solar
2018MexicoCamargoPower flow - reactive compensationPhotovoltaic farm, installed power 25 MW. Power flow and reactive compensation studies.Ingeniea
2018AustraliaLilyvalePower flow - Electromagnetics transientsPhotovoltaic farm, installed power 118MW. Power flow and insulation coordination studies.Ingeniea
2018UruguayUruguayan grid modeling in ATP/DrawElectromagnetics transientsThe whole Uruguayan electrical transmission grid, modeled for electromagnetic transients studies. Almost 5000 MW installed in
generation, 300 transmission lines, 250 transformers and their respective loads, capacitors and inductors bank, etc.
2016UruguayWind power plant PampaElectromagnetics transientsFerroresonance study in the context of the insertion of a wind power plant.UTE
2016Uruguay - BrazilConversion station HVDCElectromagnetics transientsModeling of frequency conversion station HVDC - 50 Hz/60 Hz - 500 kV - 500 MVA - boundary between Uruguayan and Brazilian grid.UTE
2015UruguayMontes del PlataConnectivity StudyConnectivity study, installed power 160MW. Impact analysis and grid planning in transmission grid.UTE
2015UruguayOmbues generatorConnectivity StudyConnectivity study, installed power 10MW. Impact analysis in Distribution and Transmission grid.UTE
2014UruguayMultiple studiesConnectivity Study26 connectivity studies. Loads and generators with authorized/installed power between 2.5MW and 20MW. Loads and generators to be installed on Distribution grid. Impact analysis in Distribution and Transmission grid.UTE
2015-2016 and 2020-2021UruguayEstrellada MelowindPower flow - Power quality - Stability - Electromagnetics transients Wind farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability and electromagnetics transients model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2015 and 2020-2021UruguayAlto CieloPower flow - Power quality - Stability - Electromagnetics transients Photovoltaic farm, installed power 20MW. Power flow, stability and electromagnetics transients model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2017-2018 and 2020-2021UruguayPampaPower flow - Power quality - Stability - Electromagnetics transients Wind farm, installed power 140MW. Power flow, stability and electromagnetics transients model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2017 and 2019-2020UruguayAstideyPower flow - Power quality - Stability - Electromagnetics transients Wind farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability and electromagnetics transients model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2017 and 2019-2020UruguayCadonalPower flow - Power quality - Stability - Electromagnetics transients Wind farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability and electromagnetics transients model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2017 and 2019-2020UruguayColonia AriasPower flow - Power quality - Stability - Electromagnetics transients Wind farm, installed power 70MW. Power flow, stability and electromagnetics transients model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2017 and 2019-2020UruguayR. del EstePower flow - Power quality - Stability - Electromagnetics transients Wind farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability and electromagnetics transients model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2017 and 2019-2020UruguayR. del SurPower flow - Power quality - Stability - Electromagnetics transients Wind farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability and electromagnetics transients model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2015-2016 and 2019-2020UruguayValentinesPower flow - Power quality - Stability - Electromagnetics transients Wind farm, installed power 70MW. Power flow, stability and electromagnetics transients model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2014 and 2019UruguayAgua leguas 1Power flow - Power quality - Stability - Electromagnetics transients Wind farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability and electromagnetics transients model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2014 and 2019UruguayAgua leguas 2Power flow - Power quality - Stability - Electromagnetics transients Wind farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability and electromagnetics transients model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2017-2018UruguayJoliparkPower flow - Power quality - StabilityWind farm, installed power 20MW. Power flow, stability model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2017-2018UruguayLadanerPower flow - Power quality - Stability - Electromagnetics transients Wind farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability and electromagnetics transients model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2017-2018UruguayPalomasPower flow - Power quality - Stability Wind farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2017UruguayJuan Pablo TerraPower flow - Power quality - StabilityWind farm, installed power 140MW. Power flow, stability model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2017UruguayColidim (El naranjal)Power flow - Power quality - StabilityPhotovoltaic farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2016-2017UruguayMontes del plata Power flow - Power quality Biomass generator, installed power 160MW. Power flow model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2015-2016UruguayFinganoPower flow - Power quality - Stability Wind farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2015-2016UruguayPolesine IIPower flow - Power quality - StabilityWind farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2015-2016UruguayVenganoPower flow - Power quality - StabilityWind farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2015-2016UruguayVientos de PastoralePower flow - Power quality - Stability Wind farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2015-2016UruguayCobra (Kiyu)Power flow - Power quality - Stability Wind farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2014-2015UruguayGemsa Polesine IPower flow - Power quality - StabilityWind farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
2014-2015UruguayLa JacintaPower flow - Power quality - StabilityPhotovoltaic farm, installed power 50MW. Power flow, stability model approval. Power quality study and field test approval.UTE
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